Unlock Your Team's Potential: Optimize Communication, Reduce Conflict, Accelerate Success

Understanding Personalities. Unlocking Potential.

I help leaders, teams, and entire companies identify and optimize their unique personality traits to maximize functionality and drive success. Working together, I can help you solve an expansive range of problems across your organization, including:

  • Improving communication and coordination within senior leadership teams

  • Analyzing and maximizing employee engagement

  • Managing issues presented by hybrid work structures

  • Improving the candidate selection process to de-risk critical hires

My services are extremely flexible. For example, I can help you with issues from across the employee lifecycle to ensure any employee is well suited for their role, happy, and productive. I tailor my methodology to suit a wide range of industries, functional teams, and governing boards. I’ll deliver lasting solutions that improve communication, reduce conflict, and accelerate success for you, your team, and your organization.

What We Can Do Together

Empower Leaders

We’ll identify your leadership traits, and those of your team members, using the proven Organizational Analysis and Design (OAD) personality assessment. Then, we’ll determine how to make the most of those traits.

More on OAD here

Unlock Potential

We’ll capitalize on each team member’s unique personality traits to improve communication, reduce conflict, and accelerate success.

Tailored Plans

From new leader “quick start” programs to candidate selection de-risking and growth alignment, I’ll tailor my solutions to ensure engagement and success across the employee lifecycle.

See Workshop Programs Here

About Me: John Lane

Specializing in leadership development and team optimization, I apply decades of experience to guiding individuals and organizations toward success. As the founder of DBAJTL Leadership Consulting, I’m committed to helping you unlock your unique potential.

My Services

  • Use case specific programs to address common business issues.

    Learn More

  • Longer-term working partnership, addressing multiple use cases and business needs.

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Featured Case Study

Dive into my most recent success story and learn how I assisted a prominent organization in leveraging their team’s personality traits to improve collaboration, communication, and performance.

Case Study: Culture Catalyst

Role Fit and Optimization


  • "We worked with John to benchmark our SLT, which helped improve team communications, leading to reduced conflict and accelerated success."

    Amit Neev

    Director, People Business Partner for North America

  • "Using the OAD Candidate Selection tool helped our team better define candidate requirements, before sourcing began, creating a quicker, smoother process."

    Donald Larsen

    Chief Human Resources Officer

  • "When I reviewed my OAD results with John, I felt heard and seen. The OAD information helped improve my professional communication."

    Shannon Weatherly

    People Leader, Strategic Program & Project Management

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