In most companies, business partners rely on HR for many day-to-day support items. HR leaders are expected to know their business partners business plans, including staff management to deliver expected results. Often, HR teams are seen as “cost centers” to be managed rather than internal leverage to drive growth. Until something goes wrong.
During those times of great change or stress, HR leaders are expected to identify and solve major” people issues” quickly and effectively. If you have been around a while, that is easier said than done.
Working together, I can help HR deliver a level of service that not only beats day-to-day expectations but can flex to more turbulent times. Here’s a few areas where I can help.
• Employee alignment and engagement. Know who is on board with their team and company, and who is not. Resolve issues in their infancy, not after they cause a distraction to the team.
• Not all managers are leaders. Find existing signals to determine which managers can lead effectively, and which need help. Discover and address this early in order to avoid potential disasters like mass resignation sand under performance.
• Find your emerging leaders before you need them. Identify likely candidates for leadership roles early, then nurture them so they are ready when the time comes.
• Recruiting, hiring, and onboarding. Add science and psychology to the process. Bring in people who are the right fit for the tole.